They are about a young girl 12 who discovers the little people who live in the woods near her familys farm in the british countryside. Youll be reading them to your own kids, and to their kids too. Steve augarde books list of books by author steve augarde. The third and final book in the enthralling touchstone trilogy about the various. In the various by steve augarde, the first book in the touchstone trilogy, i found both. Steve augarde has worked as an illustrator, a paper engineer, and a semipro jazz musician. The various is a childrens fantasy novel written and illustrated by steve augarde, published in 2003.
I began writing childrens books when i was at art college, which means that ive spent over thirty years as a childrens author. Steve augarde born 3 oct 1950 is a british author and artist. You have remained in right site to begin getting this info. Winter wood is the third book in the touchstone trilogy by steve augarde. Steve augarde while staying on her uncles rundown farm in the somerset countryside, twelveyearold midge discovers that she has. Set seventy years before the various, the second book in the trilogy follows the adventures of young celandine at the onset of the first world war. Celandine isbn 9780440422167 pdf epub steve augarde. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading the various. He has written and illustrated over 70 picture books for younger children, and has produce. He has written and illustrated more than seventy picture books for younger children, and has produced the paper engineering for many popup books including those by other artistsas well as providing the artwork and music for two animated bbc television series. Goodreads members voted the various into the following lists. The existence of the various, who are strange, wild and sometimes even deadly, has been kept secret since the beginning of time, but.
In the final book of steve augarde s captivating trilogy, past and present are connected and the interwoven threads lead to an astonishing series of revelations. A captivating story of courage and strength against terrible odds, this is the story of midge, left to stay with her eccentric uncle during the holidays, and her adventures with the various, a band of fairies. Steve augarde has 44 books on goodreads with 6671 ratings. This acclaimed book by steve augarde is available at in several formats for your ereader. He has written and illustrated over 70 picture books for young children, and has produced the paperengineering for many popup books. A lovely unread fine copy with promotional belly band, the only flaw is a very small bump to the bottom of the spine.
You could buy lead x isle steve augarde or acquire it as soon as feasible. Book 1 in the touchstone trilogy kindle edition by augarde, steve. The existence of the various, who are strange, wild and sometimes even deadly, has been kept secret since the beginning of time, but when their world begins to clash with that of human beings, their livelihood is threatened with extinction. The touchstone trilogy kindle edition by steve augarde. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets.
He has written and illustrated several novels for children and young adults as well as over seventy. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Abaa the various by augarde, steve search for rare books. You could buy lead x isle steve augarde or acquire it. The various, the first volume of the trilogy, was a 2003 smarties prize. Buy a cheap copy of the various book by steve augarde. The true first edition and first volume in the trilogy. Recognizing the pretentiousness ways to get this book x isle steve augarde is additionally useful. The various live in the woods near her uncles farm, and their livelihood is threatened both by the barrenness of the land and the possibility of the forests destruction. Like i believe there is an explanation for everything although we shall never. The first novel in a gripping trilogy about 11yearold midge and her discovery of the various. Of course, said daughter enjoyed the book in a totally different way. The various touchstone trilogy, book 1 by steve augarde book cover, description, publication history. As she seeks shelter in the wild wood near her home, little does she think she will encounter a world where loyalty and independence is.
Signed and dated and with an extensive line quote opposite the title page. The various isbn 9780440420293 pdf epub steve augarde. Steve augarde s trilogy, beginning with the various and now complete after this years publication of winter wood, is a must for every childs collection of most loved books. The various 2005 read online free book by steve augarde. Book 1 in the touchstone trilogy by augarde, steve and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at. Uncorrected proof copy of steve augarde s debut the various. And other counting rhymes playtime popups, no 4, and more on. He has written and illustrated several novels for children and young adults as well as over seventy picture books for younger children, including popup books for which he designed the paper engineering.
The idea of a race of little people fairies living secretly among us has had a powerful hold on the imaginations of writers from shakespeare to terry pratchett. In his new novel he introduces readers to the various, tribes of little people pixies, fairies, jack o lanterns, call them what you will on the verge of extinction. Get your kindle here, or download a free kindle reading app. Browse author series lists, sequels, pseudonyms, synopses, book covers, ratings and awards. To say much more about the plot of the various would when midges mother goes on a tour with the london philharmonic, she sends midge to mill farm to stay with her uncle brian. Celandine by steve augarde overdrive rakuten overdrive. It is the first book of the touchstone trilogy which continues with celandine and winter wood. Steve augarde was born in birmingham, but spent most of his life in the west country, working as an illustrator, paperengineer, and semipro jazz musician. See all books authored by steve augarde, including the various, and five speckled frogs. Jan mark hears some ancient echoes in steve augardes somerset fantasy tale, the various.
Kids grow up way too fast in real life already i really prefer that the book characters they love dont do the same. Augarde s first novel and volume i of his touchstone trilogy. The book, the various by steve augarde was a thrilling, fantastic book. Rural fantasy, books i have ranted about, best children and ya books without romance, girls. He has written and illustrated over 70 picture books for younger children and.
The various, the first volume of the trilogy, was a 2003 smarties prize winner. He has written and illustrated over 70 picture books for younger children, and has produced the paperengineering for many popup books, including those by oth. Having run away from her detested boarding school, celandine is too afraid to go home in case she is sent back. The touchstone trilogy by steve augarde do you need the book of winter wood. This is a wonderfully imaginative story of love and loyalty, and is the first in a powerful trilogy. The existence of the various, who are strange, wild, and sometimes even deadly, has been kept secret. Now available in paperback with gorgeous new cover art. The touchstone trilogy the various book 2 and over 8 million other books are available for amazon kindle. Various by steve augarde a gritty and captivating story of courage and strength against terrible odds, this is the story of midge, abandoned with her eccentric uncle during the holidays, and her adventures with the various, a band of earthily realistic fairies. The trilogy tells the story of the hidden tribes of little people who live in a tangled forest on a hill in somerset, and their interactions with the children at the farm on whose land the hill stands.
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